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According to historians it already existed in the fourteenth century, in the barony of Mompilieri, a sanctuary dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
In 1537 and in 1669 two lava flows, born as a result of the eruptions of Etna, hit the ancient sanctuary full of sacred works, including the statue of Our Lady of Grace. It is said that during the first eruption, the veil of St. Agatha was brought to the sanctuary and the lava overpassed the sanctuary.

On the contrary, in 1669 the eruption completely buried Mompilieri, erasing forever its artistic and cultural heritage. The faithful and the priests did not give up in front of this disaster and for several years excavations were undertaken in the hope of finding some of the lost works. The excavations, however, were vain until, in 1704, according to citizens, Our Lady appeared to a woman from Catania and pointed to the place in which to dig. At the place indicated by the woman, diggers found the statue of the Madonna delle Grazie, not hit by lava, and placed in a sort of chapel naturally formed during the eruption.
Next to the site of the discovery was built a small church; this is a single nave and has a simple façade with a white stone entrance portal. The interior has longitudinal shape and the roof is barrel-vaulted.

This discovery is celebrated by the faithful every third Sunday of August.
