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The Infiorata di Noto, one of the most colorful festivals anywhere in the world, takes place every year over the third weekend of May (in 2019, from 17th-19th May).

For two and a half days, Via Nicolaci, one of Noto’s many delightful streets, is taken over by local and foreign artists who work together on a set theme to create a kaleidoscopic carpet of petal mosaics using flowers grown especially for the event. The 2019 theme is I Siciliani in America (Sicilians in America).

They set up shop and begin work on their allotted pieces of pavement on Friday and the “exhibition” is open to all-comers on Saturday and Sunday. A variety of other activities, including parades and sideshows, add to the general carnival atmosphere and the delightful, ingenious Baroque palazzi and churches of Noto provide a perfect backdrop.

Monday morning is the day of the town’s children, who are let loose to run through the temporary artworks in a symbolic display of destruction and renewal. Part celebration of Spring, part homage to Noto’s virtuosic artistic heritage, the festival provides an excellent excuse for a mid-May getaway.

The perfect place to stay while experiencing all this? One of our villas near Noto of course!
